Monday, April 4, 2011

Another New Blog

To anyone who visits:

I'm closing the books on this blog and starting a new one that better enables me to organize and archive some old photos while at the same time adding some new ones. It's still a work-in-progress but I've already managed to get a good chunk of content up. Hopefully I can get all my amphibian photos up by the end of the week (or keep at least keep up with the ones I'm taking!)

Click here to check out the new photo-blog

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blog Atrophy

After so long without a blog post, it has become hard to decide what to post! I've been maintaining the North Branch Nature Center blog and it hasn't left much spare time for my own, but I've decided that I can at least post a few pictures from the past three months. Enjoy!

An American Robin feeding on the berry trees in front of my apartment on January 23rd. It was kept company by many more Robins, Cedar Waxwings, and European Starlings.

This gorgeous male King Eider was amongst the highlights of this year's Superbowl of Birding on 1/29 in Essex County, MA.

Snow Geese seen on 3/19 in a flooded field in Charlotte, VT. The goose sporting the neck collar was banded on 8/9/10 on Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada.

Fox Sparrow was seen on-and-off for a week recently at NBNC, hopping around and picking up seed beneath the feeder.