Monday, September 13, 2010

VT Bird Photography Challenge: COMPLETE!

As fate would have it, I photographed three new species today at the North Branch Nature Center. Here we have our 98, 99, 100!

Blackpoll Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Red-eyed Vireo

Sunday, September 12, 2010

VT Bird Photography Challenge

The blog has suffered serious neglect lately, and may continue to do so until more time becomes available for maintenance. I was recently trying to recollect whether or not I had photographed 100 species of birds within the state of Vermont. It turns out, I'm pretty darn close. I may have a few other species with photos buried somewhere, but I came up with a count of 97! Here they are:

1. Snow Goose, Shelburne
2. Canada Goose, Berlin
3. Wood Duck, Adamant
4. American Wigeon, Milton
5. Mallard, Burlington
6. Lesser Scaup, Island Pond
7. Common Goldeneye, South Hero
8. Hooded Merganser, Berlin
9. Common Merganser,Shelburne
10. Spruce Grouse, North Ferdinand
11. Wild Turkey, South Burlington
12. Common Loon, Danville
13. Great Blue Heron, Addison
14. Cattle Egret, Shelburne
15. Black-crowned Night-heron, Addison
16. Turkey Vulture, Montpelier
17. Osprey, Thetford
18. Red-tailed Hawk, South Burlington
19. Merlin, Winooski
20. Killdeer, Huntington
21. Solitary Sandpiper, Huntington
22. Lesser Yellowlegs, Huntington
23. Least Sandpiper, Huntington
24. Wilson's Snipe, Jericho
25. Ivory Gull, Alburgh
26. Bonaparte's Gull, South Burlington
27. Ring-billed Gull, Winooski
28. Herring Gull, Shelburne
29. Iceland Gull, Burlington
30. Glaucous Gull, Burlington
31. Common Tern, Burlington
32. Rock Pigeon, Burlington
33. Mourning Dove, Montpelier
34. Snowy Owl, South Burlington
35. Northern Hawk-owl, Eden
36. Barred Owl, Shelburne
37. Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Montpelier
38. Belted Kingfisher, Berlin
39. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Montpelier
40. Downy Woodpecker, Essex Jct.
41. Hairy Woodpecker, Winooski
42. Black-backed Woodpecker, North Ferdinand
43. Northern Flicker, Colchester
44. Pileated Woodpecker, Winooski
45. Eastern Phoebe, Montpelier
46. Northern Shrike, Montpelier
47. Gray Jay, North Ferdinand
48. Blue Jay, Montpelier
49. Purple Martin, Addison
50. Tree Swallow, Montpelier
51. Tufted Titmouse, Montpelier
52. Red-breasted Nuthatch, South Burlington
53. White-breasted Nuthatch, Montpelier
54. Brown Creeper, Montpelier
55. Eastern Bluebird, Montpelier
56. American Robin, South Burlington
57. Gray Catbird, Adamant
58. Brown Thrasher, Williston
59. Bohemian Waxwing, Winooski
60. Cedar Waxwing, Thetford
61. Blue-winged Warbler, Hinesburg
62. Golden-winged Warbler, Hinesburg
63. Yellow Warbler, Berlin
64. Chestnut-sided Warbler, Thetford
65. Yellow-rumped Warbler, Montpelier
66. Palm Warbler, Montpelier
67. Black-and-white Warbler, Winooski
68. American Redstart, Jericho
69. Common Yellowthroat, Williston
70. Hooded Warbler, Jericho
71. Eastern Towhee, Hinesburg
72. American Tree Sparrow, Montpelier
73. Chipping Sparrow, Montpelier
74. Clay-colored Sparrow, South Burlington
75. Field Sparrow, South Burlington
76. Savannah Sparrow, Montpelier
77. Fox Sparrow, Marshfield
78. Song Sparrow, Berlin
79. White-throated Sparrow, Thetford
80. White-crowned Sparrow, Brighton
81. Golden-crowned Sparrow, Orwell
82. Dark-eyed Junco, Montpelier
83. Snow Bunting, South Burlington
84. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Thetford
85. Bobolink, Addison
86. Red-winged Blackbird, Montpelier
87. Rusty Blackbird, Burlington
88. Common Grackle, Montpelier
89. Brown-headed Cowbird, Montpelier
90. Baltimore Oriole, Berlin
91. Pine Grosbeak, South Burlington
92. Purple Finch, Montpelier
93. White-winged Crossbill, Montpelier
94. Common Redpoll, Williston
95. Pine Siskin, Montpelier
96. American Goldfinch, Montpelier
97. House Sparrow, Winooski